ICDI brings together and coordinates key national research structures and e-infrastructures, and is mandated to represent Italy in the new EOSC Association by the Ministry of University and Research. h (MUR). Together with GÈANT, CESAER and Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), ICDI was selected to serve as one of the four founding members of the Association, who are now working to define a Statute and the terms & conditions for other members in Europe to join.
At the international level, ICDI mandate is to represent the Italian contribution to the development of EOSC, through the participation of Italian delegates in the six European working groups created by the EOSC board. With this in mind, six Shadow Working Groups have been created within ICDI that follow exactly the European ones. Concerning:
- Landscspe
- Sustainability
- Rules of Participation
- Architecture
- FAIR principles and certifications
- training and skills.
To foster coordination at the national level, ICDI recently launched several task forces dedicated to topics of interest to the Italian community:
- The Italian Federated Cloud Platform Task Force (FCP-IT), launched in June 2020, aims to develop a strategy and identify adequate technical solutions to achieve the creation of a federated cloud dedicated to research on a national scale, and to propose itself as a model also at the European level.
- The Italian Competence Center for EOSC Task Force (CC-IT), approved in July 2020, aims to create a national Competence Center that can act as a reference for the Italian community and a platform to federate, coordinate and further disseminate the existing competences within Research bodies, Infrastructures and Universities that are part of the Italian Open Science community.
- The Clinical Data Management Task Force, also launched in July 2020, intends to build a support platform for the management of clinical data within the institutions where they are firstly created. Initially, the work will focus on data related to COVID-19, with the twofold objective of facilitating data sharing on this urgent line of research by contributing to the European COVID-19 platform, and creating a Proof of Concept that can be used for sharing biomedical data relating to other pathologies.
Finally, ICDI is responsible for collecting information on specific topics related to Open Science and EOSC activities, both on its own initiative and in response to requests from the MUR and the Italian delegations in ESFRI and EOSC, with the aim of improving the knowledge of the scenario of Italian research and digital infrastructures. A recent example of this documentation action is the survey on free access infrastructural resources for research on SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 in Italy.