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Protection and reuse. Considerations between copyright and research data

Protection and reuse. Considerations between copyright and research data

| Sara Di Giorgio | News
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16 Septenber 2021 Open Science Café with Thomas Margoni, KU Leuven University

Research data may be subject to various legal regulations, either 'by default' as in the case of copyright, which operates automatically, or as a consequence of specific behaviours or initiatives, for instance in the case of a contract such as a user licence that has to be properly selected and applied to a work.

In addition, other areas have recently been addressed such as Open Data and the European directive known as Public Sector Information. In the day-to-day work of research there are several legal aspects of data to be taken into account also in the field of open science. This will be discussed in the September episode of the OS café with Thomas Margoni, Professor of Intellectual Property Law at KU Leuven University in Belgium (CiTiP) and expert in legal issues of research data.


13:50 - 14:00 Opening and welcome
14:00 - 14:10 Introduction
14:10 - 14:35 Presentation by Thomas Margoni
14:35 - 15:00 Q&A/Discussion

About the speaker

Thomas Margoni is research professor of intellectual property law at the Factuly of Law, KU Leuven and a member of the Board of Directors of the Centre for IT & IP Law (CiTiP). His research concentrates on the relationship between law and new technologies with particular attention to the role of the Internet and more recently of AI as new forms to create, transform and disseminate knowledge and information. Current examples of research projects include reCreating Europe the EU H2020 funded project developing an integrated policy approach to copyright in the EU digital single market, where Thomas leads the task on AI and data ownership; OpenAIRE the H2020 project developing an Open Science e-infrastructure for Europe, where Thomas is joint co-coordinator of the legal and policy task force; OpenMinTeD, the now completed EU H2020 project for the development of an e-infrastructure for Text and Data Mining (TDM) in Europe where Thomas coordinated the legal working group. Other areas of interest where Thomas has developed institutional as well as funded research include the processes of EU copyright and design law harmonisation; data ownership and AI; copyright, design rights and additive manufacturing; the digitisation of cultural heritage and the digital public domain; open access and open science; online intermediaries, fundamental rights and the platform economy; and the role of property rights in sports.

Who should attend?

The webinar is designed for the Italian community and is aimed at researchers, research support staff, technicians, technologists interested in learning the details of the patent route as research protection, and the European Commission's Open Science strategy.

Open Science Café

The Open Science café is a series of events designed to cover major topics and news from the Open Science world, dedicated to the italian community. It aims at informing and discussing various aspects of Open Science in an informal way, in front of a coffee cup. Each event lasts for one hour and focuses on a specific theme, leaving enough time for discussion with the audience.

We look forward to seeing you!

Registration is required at the following link:

Video from Rete GARR YouTube channel:

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