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eHealth: Training on Privacy e Security

eHealth: Training on Privacy e Security

| Sara Di Giorgio | News
articolo letto 672 volte

Security and Privacy training for eHealth to be held on July 6, 2022 in Malaga Spain from 9.00 to 14.00, and online. 

The European Project GÉANT GN4-3 and the eHealth Task Force of the GÉANT Community Programme are organising the first training on Privacy and Security for eHealth.

The training is aimed at the staff of research networks that support institutions working in the health domain, and those of institutions linked to or supported by the research networks. 

Preliminary program:

  • Introduction to Privacy
  • Implications of privacy on services and on  handling personal data
  • Introduction to Security
  • Security in action: how to protect your resources and services
  • Anonymization and Pseudo-Anonymization techniques
  • A summary of the new proposed  EHDS regulation

To register: