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S-légami! Open Access - User's Guide for Researchers

S-légami! Open Access - User's Guide for Researchers

| Sara Di Giorgio | News
articolo letto 647 volte

The second edition has been published online.

The publication is the result of the collective work of the APRE members' Working Group dedicated to Open Science, composed of representatives of libraries and research offices of several Italian universities and research centres.

This second edition is an updated and expanded version of the first publication in 2019, and presents the main novelties of Horizon Europe and answers to about 100 frequently asked questions by researchers on open science.

The handbook addresses the main issues related to Open Science, with specific regard to Open Access and Open Data and is a useful tool to consult when writing and implementing research projects. The table of contents is:

  • Open Science
  • False myths
  • The most common doubts
  • Peer Review, Impact Factor and Evaluation of Research Quality (VPQ)
  • Publisher contracts and copyrights
  • Subscription contracts between publishers and institutions
  • Open Science and Open Access in European projects
  • Open Research Europe
  • Fair Data and Research Data Management
  • European Open Science Cloud

"S-légami! Open Access - User's Guide for Researchers" , in Italian language only, is freely available for consultation and download on the APRE website.