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'Eppur si muove', reproducibility and open science at the first meeting of the RN-IT

'Eppur si muove', reproducibility and open science at the first meeting of the RN-IT

| Sara Di Giorgio | News
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The meeting on 13 May 2022, will take place both in presence in Florence and online.

'Eppur si muove' is the title of the round table on the theme of reproducibility and open science at the first meeting of the Italian Reproducibility Network, which aims, like the other Reproducibility Networks in the world, to investigate the factors that contribute to the replicability of research and to disseminate good practices in this area.

Emma Lazzeri, Open Science Expert at GARR and Head of the Competence Center of ICDI, Roberto Caso, Associate Professor of Comparative Private Law at the University of Trento and President of the Italian Association for the Promotion of Open Science, and Fabio Turone, President of the association Science Writers in Italy and board member of the European Federation for Science Journalism, will participate in the round table.

For more information and to register consult the website