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University of Bologna joins ICDI

University of Bologna joins ICDI

| Sara Di Giorgio | News
articolo letto 1518 volte

Besides the participation in the ICDI national working group, the Alma Mater has proposed its membership candidacy in the EOSC Association.

The University of Bologna has adopted the principles of inclusion and transparency of Open Science and offers its own contribution to the implementation of Open Science," explains Antonino Rotolo, Vice-Rector for Research. "In this context, the University's participation in the ICDI forum and in EOSC will allow to strengthen the collaboration with the main European players working in the field of Open Science". Indeed, the University of Bologna has included Open Science in its strategic plan 2019-2021 and has developed a University policy for open access to research publications and data, supporting its academic community. This is why the University of Bologna is moving forward with its direct participation in the national working group for the Italian Computing and Data Infrastructure and the candidacy for membership of EOSC (European Open Science Cloud).