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In Rome the first Italian Tripartite Conference on the European Open Science Cloud

In Rome the first Italian Tripartite Conference on the European Open Science Cloud

| Sara Di Giorgio | News
articolo letto 635 volte

The event is scheduled for June 5th at the headquarters of the National Research Council (CNR) in Rome.

This event, organized by the Ministry of University and Research (MUR), is part of a series of national events promoted by the EOSC Association, which have already taken place in several European countries.

Tripartite events are organised to bring together and facilitate dialogue among representatives of the EOSC governance. In particular, national-level events aim to intensify the dissemination and coordination of actions necessary to participate in EOSC and implement it, strengthening the dialogue among relevant ministries, research organizations, funding agencies, scientific and academic communities from all disciplines, as well as research infrastructures, data, and computing. The tripartite conference will therefore be an important opportunity for the national community to identify common objectives for all actors in Italian research, with particular attention to coordinating initiatives funded by PNRR funds and the national infrastructure for Open Science.

Several topics will be addressed during the event, including the FAIR data management and the development of the ICDI Competence Centre for Open Science, with the goal of developing a consistent national strategy for research digitalization. In addition, the necessary actions for implementing the Italian National Plan for Open Science will be discussed.

The conference will be opened by the Minister of University and Research, Anna Maria Bernini, and will represent an important opportunity to discuss national, European, and international initiatives for the transition to the Open Science paradigm and the construction of the European Open Science Cloud.

The morning session, which will take place from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm, will begin with messages from the tripartite governance, including those from the Minister of Research and Education and the Director-General for Research Internationalization of the MUR, the European Commission, and the EOSC Association. Subsequently, a roundtable discussion with the "actors" of EOSC on ongoing actions and future initiatives for the implementation of the National Plan for Open Science (PNSA) will be held.

In the afternoon, from 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm, the national research community will be involved in a more detailed discussion of the implementation of the PNSA and synergies with EOSC. Representatives from some of the main ongoing initiatives contributing to the plan's objectives will be invited to share their experiences and identify elements for coherent action in the development of Open Science and EOSC in Italy.

Registration for the event is mandatory at the following link:

The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is an initiative launched by the European Commission in November 2018. EOSC is building a platform that, through the federation of existing and future data infrastructures, will provide European researchers, innovators, businesses, and citizens with an environment of open services for the management, analysis, and reuse of research data across various disciplines.

Currently, EOSC is governed by a tripartite structure, with the European Commission and the EOSC Association operating as a strategic partnership under Horizon Europe, and the EOSC Steering Board representing Member States and Associated Countries.

National and European tripartite events contribute to the dissemination and discussion of EOSC's objectives and the decisions aimed at making EOSC operational by 2025-2027.