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25 May 2021

Registration open for online event that brings EOSC communities together.

25 May 2021

10 June 2021 Open Science Café with Valentina Colcelli and Sabrina Brizioli.

17 May 2021

Memorandum of Understanding signed.

17 May 2021

The second draft of the UNESCO Recommendation for the global development of Open Science has been approved.

04 May 2021

Volker Beckmann, from the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, General Directorate for Research and Innovation, will present recent developments for FAIR data management and services in astrophysics.

04 May 2021

A new Open Science Café appointment to discuss the economic and moral rights related to the works and results of research.

12 April 2021

Bringing European and National Projects on Blue Economy together Strategies, Policies, Projects supporting Blue Economy.

30 March 2021

Thanks to the agreement signed a few days ago, the University of Trento officially joins ICDI.

26 March 2021

The current criteria for evaluating research profoundly affects - and not always in a positive way - the behaviour of researchers and the quality of scientific methodology, as well as the choice of dissemination channels. Alternative perspectives and methods have been discussed for years. Let’s take stock with Elena Giglia and Donatella Castelli.